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Spotlight Interview-Hispanic Heritage Month

Alex Rosario

4Cs Maintainer, Facilities & Sustainability

Alex Rosario photo

What is your favorite thing about your culture/heritage? What are you most proud of when it comes to your Hispanic heritage?

My Spanish language is my favorite thing about my culture. I am proud to be Puerto Rican and especially Latino.

Tell us something unique about your heritage or country of origin that you would like to share with our campus community.

Puerto Rico celebrates the longest holiday season in the world, starting in November and ending in January. In November, Thanksgiving is celebrated, in December, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day along with celebrating the arrival of Santa Claus, in January we celebrate the new year, and on January 6, the day of the Three Wise Men. The tradition is that the day before, the children collect grass to feed the camels and the 3 Wise Men leave them gifts. The Story of the Three Wise Men is of the kings who brought gifts to baby Jesus when he was born in the manger.

How has Hispanic culture shaped who you are today?

Everything that I am, my personality, my feelings towards others, if someone has a need and I can help them, I will be there. I attribute that to my Hispanic culture and upbringing.

What is your favorite food of your culture?

White rice with red beans and steak with onions, or mofongo which is a delicious Puerto Rican dish its made with green plantains, garlic, pork or shrimp.